3D printing (3DP) is a new term for 3D products created in a layer-by-layer manner on a digital design platform. 3DP technology has emerged as a significant technical breakthrough in recent years, allowing the healthcare sector to manufacture and produce new medical goods and equipment. The ability of printing technology in the area of medical science to produce potentially new products, instruments and devices is a significant feature. It also allows fast, safe and low-cost development in the manufacturing process, resulting in a broad range of pharmaceutical applications for this innovative technology. 3DP also improves patient convenience, which improves medication adherence even more. This short review has demonstrated that the 3DP method can be effectively utilized on a small scale to create customized development of medical products and has significant benefits experimentally in the creation of equipments/instruments by examining various experimental investigations. In terms of 3DP's future, the new technology is expected to concentrate on manufacturing for individuals or specialized groups with particular requirements in hospitals and pharmacies. 3DP may potentially provide a compelling new research and development opportunity for improving medical components.